Office lenses.

Glasses with office lenses are prescribed for people who most need good vision at close distances. For example, if a person works in an office, as a rule, he looks at a distance of up to 4m. The ophthalmologist, taking an anamnesis, takes into account visual features and selects the best type of lenses for the patient. There are several designs of office lenses. The best is the custom design, Freeform technology, but accordingly it is also the most expensive type of lens.


What are the main differences between eyeglass lenses from ordinary reading lenses, progressive lenses with progressive lenses and glasses with office lenses (see fig.). Each lens has zones in which a person sees blurry. These zones are called aberrations. Wearing glasses for reading, a person does not see into the distance. In progressive glasses, a person sees well in the distance and near, but the corridor for an average distance (1m - 4m) is narrow.


Office lenses are just used for excellent vision at a distance of 0.4m to 4m. Since in them the magnitude of aberrations is much less.

reading glasses
progressive lenses
office lenses

How to choose office lenses

If you decide to order office glasses, remember: a detailed examination is required, which will take more time than when buying ordinary glasses with diopters. Office lenses must be customized or personalized, i.e. be made taking into account the peculiarities of vision, the type of frame. The more accurately the optical zones are distributed, the more comfortable it will be to use glasses. Also today there are office lenses that are available.

Step by step selection of office lenses looks like this:

 - Examination, study of the patient's history. The ophthalmologist needs to make sure that there are no contraindications for wearing office lenses. For this, in particular, the fundus of the eye is examined, autorefractometry is performed, etc.

- Determination of visual acuity.

- Measurement of center-to-center distance.

- Calculation of vertex distance.

- Measurement of the pantoscopic angle.

- Issuing a prescription.

How to choose the right office glasses so that they are as comfortable as possible to wear? You need to take care of the additional characteristics of the lens. For example, the higher the thinning index, the lighter the glasses will be and the thinner the lens will be. Lens coatings are important: anti-glare, UV-retarding coatings, antistatic, water-repellent, etc.

The most anatomically correct forms of frames from the following manufacturers:

 - IC! Berlin

 - Silhouette

 - Despada

 - Swarovski